Environmental awareness:
Recently, many residents and joggers associations like Parsik Hills Walkers Association and Vashi Joggers Ecological Movement have been active in advocating environmental issues. Many schools in Navi Mumbai are actively involved in regular tree plantation drives.
children are the key when it comes to environmental awareness. "To create awareness school children need to be targeted. Probably one could approach their parents to reach out to housing societies.
The Indian Women's Scientists Association (IWSA) has started a new programme involving schoolchildren and teachers in the city collecting environmental data as well as creating awareness. However, she feels that there is lack of adequate dedicated activists and sufficient people's participation in the decision making process.
Solar heaters, windmills and rainwater harvesting are positive developments in some housing societies. Activists are of the opinion that the NMMC should look into making these measures mandatory for new buildings. plastic bags and littering are major problems more so because of citizens lack of concern for the environment than negligence of authorities.
There are many superior species of mangroves in Navi Mumbai. Mangroves are unique trees that grow only in saline conditions. They shelter marine, bird and insect life.
The common Avicennia is an abundant species of mangrove plant found in Navi Mumbai. So also the blinding tree (called so because the juice blinds the eyes) and the apple mangrove.
Says Jacob, "In many places the mangroves are being mercilessly hacked. Locals are building ponds for pisciculture. Often there are fires in the mangroves belt. No one knows who does this or even who is responsible for the preservation of mangroves.
The authorities are busy passing the buck. There is also dumping of waste in the mangroves and creation of bunds in the mangrove areas. Subsistence of the mangroves depends on the tides and flooding or controlling the flow of water to them that affects their growth."
the holding ponds created by CIDCO in Vashi and Kopar Khairane are very important and specially designed for holding rainwater and preventing flooding.
Well meaning corporators are filling up portions of the ponds for lawns and gardens but this lowers the carrying capacity of the ponds. Many systematic encroachments are also taking place in both garden areas and water bodies. This should be prevented as the gardens in the city act as major sinks of different air pollutants while the water bodies prevent flooding.
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