After Chief Minister Ashok Chavan’s visit, the issue of FSI has once surfaced. Reacting to the entire issue, Thane Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik has said that he will get FSI for Navi Mumbai at any cost. He was speaking in an exclusive interview with NMTV Editor-in-Chief Dr. Ravi Subbaiah at the NMTV Studio. Before you watch the interview we bring to you a quick flashback on the principle approval to 2.5 FSI and where the issue stands today.The tragic tales of apartment owners living in dilapidated CIDCO buildings across Navi Mumbai is not different from the other. Some are living in conditions that are threat to human occupancy while others are living in make-shift arrangements – all residents living how dreams of a home turned into nightmares. Its not like the issue has never been taken up – problem is it’s been taken up far too often; mostly during elections. That’s why residents were loosing faith until Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik took up the issue in front of Chief Minister Ashok Chavan’s visit to Navi Mumbai in June 2009. Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik persistently followed up the matter with the Chief Minister’s office, in August came the announcement that the Chief Minister Ashok Chavan in a meeting with Thane Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik had given in-principle approval of 2.5 FSI to dilapidated CIDCO apartments. Unlike all the previous assurances and promises, the Thane Guardian Minister’s announcement that came before assembly elections had credible value. This is because Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik has already set a precedent on this front with the re-development of C-Type Ganesh Towers in Sector 1, Vashi. The C Type apartments of Navi Mumbai were just like any CIDCO apartments that reeled under inhuman conditions and even posed as a threat to residents of the building. Residents spoke to NMTV News and recalled how their homes were under dilapidated conditions.
No points for guessing that the residents of C Type Ganesh Tower residents, who saw Ganesh Naik work against all odds to ensure that their redevelopment project happened now staunchly believe that only Ganesh Naik can make redevelopment with 2.5 FSI a reality for dilapidated CIDCO apartments. In these municipal elections, FSI forms the prime election issue for all parties. And the issue was a hot topic during the Chief Minister Ashol Chavan’s election rally in Navi Mumbai. While the Chief Minister ended up assuring that they city would get FSI in due course of time.
Thane Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik has reacted to the same for the first time in an exclusive interview with NMTV Editor-in-Chief Dr. Ravi Subbaiah. Speaking at NMTV Studio, Thane Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik says that even though the Chief Minister Ashok Chavan wants to give FSI, the Congress in Navi Mumbai is playing politics. Looking completely determined, Thane Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik asserted that come what may he will get FSI in Navi Mumbai at any cost.
Though NCP and Congress might not be in an alliance in NMMC both the parties share power at the center and the state. And like wise people, neither partner of the alliance will work against the interest of the aam admi. So rest assured, there’s no doubting that Chief Minister Ashok Chavan will endorse the 2.5 FSI demand of Thane Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik because the top priority of both the leaders is to work for the welfare of the common man.
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